Tuesday, May 29, 2018

My Fancy Finds this week

Goodness the rain has been relentless this week! It is an Arc builders time to shine!

Brought a few new things into MFF this week and they have definitely made my list of  Fancy finds!

First! These leggings; they are compression which is something I didn't think I would like until I started to spend some time in the gym. These baby's are awesome! Thick and "tight" in all the right places!

Insulated "Beverage" Tumbler.. I chose this size and design for a few reasons!

  1. Size; love that it is easy for my hand to hold. 
  2. Design; It doesn't look like your classic "wine" tumbler or big ole beverage tumbler. This is perfect for those days when your trying to keep the beverage on the DL (down looooow) 
  3. Company; I like small companies. ;

And last but NOT least... This cute hat! I am waiting so impatiently for some sunny days!!
These hats are 100% cotton, distressed brim and adjustable backs! There are a few styles on the website to chose from, go check them out!



Thanks for stopping by! 
Monday, May 14, 2018

Happy Belated Mothers Day Mama's!

Yesterday was Mothers Day, and I shared a little post on Facebook that I thought I would share a little more here too! 

For me as a Mama, it's not always the easiest, or the most glamorous part of life, but it is the part of MY life, that I never take for granted!

I will never wish one day away of being a mother to this crazy crew of mine. I might wish and pray for a chance to do better or for the next day to be a little easier, but I'll never wish for one day less with them.

Last night I listened to 3/4 of my crew in the kitchen making me brunch for dinner with my partner Chris, it made me smile and sigh with a serious feeling of contentment because those crazy days make moments like that, that much sweeter. For a minute I might even have forgotten about the stack of towels that still were sitting in the living room or the 42 pairs of shoes by the front door or the house that is "clean enough" for now. 

As we've all grown along the way, I've been a mother for half my life (literally), I think they have taught me just as many lessons as I have taught them! I'm so proud of them and who they are growing to be. Makes me think that I might be doing an OK job!!!

 This photo is from our family photo 2017


This is the first photo of the kids and I when we first set out on our own in 2014