Thank you Pinterest for the image!
My love for creating never went away, it just got pushed to the back, back burner! Being in survival mode changed my creativity a little, basically my brain told itself to simmer down and take care of business (my kids) and maybe one day there would be space to create again. So, that is where we are today!! Little bits of time have opened themselves up to me, I am able to create little things here and there, take on a furniture makeover, delve into a DIY every once in a while or shop for home and accessories that I think others will love as much as I do. I am also able to think about creating beautiful spaces around me again.... something that has been missing for the past few years. So, while you might still see me slinging drinks and dinner plates, can't give up the day job just yet, you will definitely see more of MFF creeping back into the picture.
For those who have told me repeatedly how much they miss my little shop, or my jewelry creations, or my furniture, THANK YOU for keeping that little light going within me. XOXO